YOUTH & ADULT Foundation

We do the footwork.

You make the

dreams come true.

"Trying to make a ​change with just ​one conversation ​and donation at a ​time."

Here at the Mary Bell Youth & Adult ​Foundation we strive to provide help for ​our communities. We want to help ​students and families that are in need with ​educational success, emotional support, ​work resources, school supplies and much ​more.

How We Can Make a Difference

Girl in White and Blue Tank Top Holding White and Blue Mask

Make a Donation

We provide students and families with free resources that are funded by your donations.

Volunteer Your Time

We organize small local events that ​help with free give aways ​and emotional support counseli​ng.

Go the Extra Mile

We organize monthly contributions ​of back packs filled with basic ​essentials and donation goals will he​lp fund scholarships.

See what our

sponsors and volunteers have to say

“My small monthly donation helped transform lives of the ​students at the Colleges and Universities more than I could ​imagine. I have donated Mary Bell Foundation shirts and ​other clothing items that have been received with warm ​smil​es and gratitude.”

-Rasheeda Sky Tees ​L.L.C., sponsor since 2022

"Knowing that I was making a difference in a child’s life by ​donating for them to receive a brand new back pack filled ​with school supplies and more is an amazing feeling. Going ​to volunteer and hand them out was a great experience. Mr. ​Fernandez really cares about the people in the community!”

--Brown and Family, volunteer since 202​3

Meet the partners who help us transform lives

Businesses and fellow foundations ​have given their time and support to ​help us make a difference in ​children's lives.

  • Rasheeda Sky Tees L.L.C.
  • Moore Colores Creation
  • Sccents 4 You
  • Images Printing Service
  • Local Churches

Connect with Us

Photo Of People Near Wooden Table


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@Mary Bell Foundation